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Encouragement for your walk with God

“…though I walk through the valley…thou art with me…” -Psalm 23:4 

The Valley

Being in the valley is the most difficult place to be.  It’s dark.  Sometimes narrow. Many times it feels like we’ll never reach the other side.  We long for the open country; fields of freedom with warm daylight.  

When will we make it through? When will we have peace and hope again? 

The answer…  God only knows.

That’s not an easy thing to hear, but it’s true.  God knows everything and sees our lives each moment of the day.  He sees our hurts, our sorrows, and our grief. He sees our struggles, our insecurities, and our disbelief.  He sees our worries, our sin, the evil things we live in and live for.  He even knows the enemy that attacks us in the dark.

Yet, despite the valley, there’s still hope. 

You’re Not Alone

Psalm 23:4 says, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.”  God’s promise is that we’re not alone.  The Father is walking beside us and even holding our hand through the valley.  He’s right there to comfort us.   The evil one would have us believe something else.  He’d want us to believe the opposite, but we must not forget that Satan is the prince of this world and he’s a liar.  His mission is to steal, kill and destroy – both our faith and our lives.  But Jesus is the King of Kings and he came to give us “life more abundantly” (John 10:10).  Jesus is our hope and he will never leave us or forsake us.  He’s more powerful than the enemy and the darkness.  In fact, he’s the Light and Savior of the world. 

In our valley, let’s not lose hope.  Let’s not lose faith.  God sees it all and is leading us through the valley.  God is our Father and we are his children.  Let’s take his hand and trust him.  He is leading us to the other side.  He is leading us into the light! 



  1. Sally

    This is true. God is our refuge and strength. And like the song says…”Even in the valley, God is good.”

    • Curtis Sikes

      Amen. God is our refuge and strength! Thanks for your comments and God bless!


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